Hi, I'm Kris.

Welcome to Meet My Camera, the blog.

Chances you are here because you know someone who loves their portraits, or me, or both.

Look around. Enjoy. Call me for your own.



I was "commisioned" to take portraits of my husband's grandparents while we were out of town (well, in town for them) We came in straight off the road toting Wendy's for lunch. My boys were appallingly(sp?) rambunctious that day. Wrestling their Great Grandpa like he was not as fragile as their Mother worried he would be.
He is in his nineties after all. (Which particular ninety was up for debate a couple of times). Usually taking pictures for me is the highlight...this time, I would have to say it was a little more. My children will remember their great grandparents. They will have pictures not just of them together, but of them loving each other. That is truly great.

At first you might think be rude, her eyes being closed and all, but after careful review of all pictures I realized that is how she laughs. Eyes closed. Then it isn't rude, it's special.



This probably won't be the portrait everyone else in the family gets (those are my rag-a-muffins running rampant), but it's my favorite of the day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love these pictures. Ray looks younger than he usually does. These are precious.