Hi, I'm Kris.

Welcome to Meet My Camera, the blog.

Chances you are here because you know someone who loves their portraits, or me, or both.

Look around. Enjoy. Call me for your own.


It's no secret...

I love me a newborn.

Wait, strike that. I love me somebody elses newborn.
(I'm in that stage where people are waiting for me to get pregnant again...uh huh)

So naturally, there are some wee ones coming soon (Once again, not mine...their's).


1 comment:

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said...

Hehe, yeah someone just asked me if I was pregnant YET! Uh, hello...'I'm good for now' I say!! 3 girls 8, 4, and 8 months, no time to breath, hahah.

You are very talented. I just got a Nikon D80 and hope to take some photography classes. Wannabe photographer I guess you could say. But an avid scrapbooker must have nice pictures to go in it ;-)

Jamie :-)