Hi, I'm Kris.

Welcome to Meet My Camera, the blog.

Chances you are here because you know someone who loves their portraits, or me, or both.

Look around. Enjoy. Call me for your own.


tourney button

Galleries are up!
(Click the image above to enter the proofing site)

A few reminders:
The galleries are listed by game.
Every team is represented, but not all games.
Use the code RUGBYMT for a free 4x6.

You guys did a great job playing.
It was a beautiful day full of lots of sunshine and some seriously good Rugby.
Enjoy the galleries.

Thanks again,


Stop and Start


This was the last portrait of Po.

He was our Poodle who was killed by a car the one and only time he decided to run off.

We are sad.

I took this the day before. It was the first haircut I really wanted him to keep.

On a much happier note,

Life begins anew.

This is seven days in the flesh.


I melt.